The company also develops process technology for petroleum refining, ammonia production, methanol production, and other industries.
Stoichiometry for methanol production requires the ratio of H / CO to equal 2.
Although natural gas is the most economical and widely used feedstock for methanol production, many other feedstocks can be used to produce syngas via steam reforming.
Steam-reformed coal is sometimes used as a feedstock for methanol production, particularly in China.
In addition, mature technologies available for biomass gasification are being used for methanol production.
This route can offer methanol production from biomass at efficiencies up to 75%.
It reviewed the potential for methanol production from natural gas, very heavy oils, bituminous shales, coals, peat and biomass.
The more renewable sources of electricity supplant current fossil fuel sources of electricity the cleaner methanol production will become.
Currently, Iran has the capacity to produce more than 5 million tonnes of methanol, which constitutes 10% of the world's methanol production.
The amount of methanol produced is similar to endogenous methanol production.