Another method commonly referred to as "Shuttling", uses motorized vehicles to transport multiple riders to the top of the hill.
Horizontal information seeking is the method sometimes referred to as "skimming".
A variational method applies the calculus of variations and can refer to:
This method refers to two roles: that of the know-er (teacher) and student (learner).
Also the method draws on the counseling metaphor and refers to these respective roles as a counselor and a client.
In-storage drying methods refers to those grain is dried and stored in the same container.
The method of airdrop refers to the way the load leaves the aircraft.
Capitalized Earning Approach: This method refers to the return on the investment that is expected by an investor.
Single-step methods (such as Euler's method) refer to only one previous point and its derivative to determine the current value.
Consequently, multistep methods refer to several previous points and derivative values.