The chairman cast his eyes upon it, coldly, and with a smile which did not render any great homage to the slow and methodical habits of his spy.
The kitchen table bore further testimony to Finch's methodical habits.
In this crisis of his life the old methodical habits of his youth returned to him.
"That's what one attains to when one has methodical habits!"
Burbank, during his long hours of duty, resorted to one methodical habit as he bided away the time.
His great industry and methodical habits have been remarked upon by many writers.
The methodical habits of Marie Louise were a constant satisfaction to Napoleon.
But his methodical habits and painstaking research, an approach developed over decades of civil-law cases, began uncovering flaws and inconsistencies in the prosecution's case.
The writing-table might have belonged to a professional man of methodical habits.
No. 11-if she is a person of methodical habits she must feel it an incriminating point-for she certainly disguises it very well.