The objective was to increase the evidence base on program impact and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of recent evaluation methodological developments.
Within the last three decades there have been tremendous theoretical and methodological developments within the field of evaluation.
The first phase was to prepare the project in various aspects, including methodological development.
Current work focuses on a number of themes in reproductive health research and methodological development in evaluation.
Evaluation Review publishes papers on quantitative and qualitative methodological developments, as well as related applied research issues.
General conceptual and methodological developments and implementations in the field of finite systems and phenomena.
Another practical methodological development would be to incorporate the estimation of missing data values into the model-based approaches.
For Talcott Parsons, "structural-functionalism" came to describe a particular stage in the methodological development of social science, rather than a specific school of thought.
While there can be no doubt of her assiduousness, what sort of actual "influence" she had on Thompson's later methodological developments in history is debatable.
Despite this controversy, facial reconstruction has proved successful frequently enough that research and methodological developments continue to be advanced.