A literature review concluded that although benefits were reported in 13 of 17 studies, various methodological weaknesses leave the evidence unconfirmed.
Most ulcer maintenance trials, including this study, contain several potential methodological weaknesses that merit further discussion.
However, the report also says that methodological weaknesses and biases in these studies have likely caused the risk to be overstated.
Despite methodological weaknesses, the research on the application of mindfulness practices is promising.
The use of a single operator monitoring four calls simultaneously was also seen as a methodological weakness.
By taking these steps, the Australians overcame many (though not all) of their predecessors' methodological weaknesses.
But there were methodological weaknesses in those studies, the report said, and the panel urged further research.
Some methodological weaknesses in studies can be corrected statistically.
However, this model has been attacked from a standpoint of scientific research due to methodological weaknesses.
This raises an interesting question and a possible methodological weakness: are people always accurate when they recall how they felt in the past?