He also taught physical education activity and methods courses; he advised over 200 physical education major students during his tenure at UC Davis.
Gender in the Classroom is intended to be used across the teacher education curriculum--from subject-specific methods courses to foundations, from educational psychology to student teaching.
Able candidates, he says, will shun teaching if they are forced to waste time and money in methods courses.
A more plausible explanation is that bright teachers can more effectively apply the tools they acquired in methods courses.
But the most essential reform is to abolish inferior methods courses and to raise standards for licensing teacher training institutes.
The "local knowledge" concerns could be met by requiring those lawyers to take the skills and methods course, just as newly admitted New Jersey attorneys must.
Students participate in over 200 hours of field-based coursework; ranging from the early field experience, to service learning, and through four, developmentally delivered methods courses.
The practical education consists of 3 months of 2-day methods courses and three 2-month lab rotation projects.
The applications and methods course, on the other hand, seems more closely tailored to the needs of postgraduate history students.
A. All of our methods courses are anchored in schools.