He kept meticulous drawings of his work for his students in the form of six large illustrated anatomical tables.
Her work on the daily recording sunspots, including meticulous drawings, earned her a distinguished reputation among the astronomers of her day.
It includes Ulrich's meticulous drawings of the various tables and consoles along with the pieces on display.
A large meticulous drawing, "Swept Up," shows a pile of sweepings on a wood floor that is probably in a studio.
He is best known for his meticulous perspectival drawings such as Leningrad Pravda of 1924.
She makes meticulous, intimate drawings possessing the clarity and forthrightness associated with Magic Realism.
Other, often meticulous, drawings show studies of drapery.
Celsius departed for Hälsingland in the early 1670s and made meticulous drawings of the runestones.
Typical of the man - a whole page full of meticulous drawings of crossbows, and this in the margin, as though it hardly mattered.
Springfield's art practice is unusual in that it combines meticulous, observational drawing with conceptual and historical investigations.