Meticulously reproducing grainy photographs and captions printed in now-quaint typefaces, he brings back to life obscure scenes from what now seems like modernism's last heroic epoch.
It traces the sinuous course of the river, meticulously reproducing every oxbow and sandbar between Cairo, Ill., and the Gulf of Mexico.
The scores he meticulously reproduced in his paintings of musicians came from del Monte's library.
The fabric covered her from knee to neck, from shoulder to wrist, meticulously reproducing every line it adhered to.
During his early years he meticulously reproduced personal photographs in paint.
Last year, Mouille's widow, with Jocelyne Trocmé, began meticulously reproducing seven of his sculptural designs.
On canvas panels of different sizes, with black or white backgrounds, his studio meticulously reproduces his designs for Vuitton.
The ring was also duplicating titles that were already released and meticulously reproducing the package designs.
He added that the film meticulously reproduces 1970s blaxploitation and brings back much-needed gratuitous nudity.