Prose benefits the more informal metrical structure of verse that is almost always found in traditional poetry.
The poems have a unique metrical structure, each line consisting of 11 or 12 syllables depending on the initial syllable.
The tree in (1) represents the metrical structure for the sentence "Doctors use Penicillin."
Prabandha can be described as a story in verse form with a tight metrical structure.
In chhand, the metrical structure has many forms.
Propositions have also been made that tones can shift by a metrical or rhythmic structure.
Prabandham: Stories in verse form with a tight metrical structure and they have three forms mentioned below.
The oratorical style of its writing is evidenced by the metrical structure of the text.
This is partly because of the apparently simple traditional metrical structures and rhymes he uses.
Space is devoted in the final chapter to considerations of the mentalism, or otherwise, of metrical structures.