For example, students may start with a microarchitecture simulator that models a simple microprocessor design at the beginning of a semester.
If you want to read about microprocessor design and architecture with really deep technical details, go to realworldtech.
"It could be sufficiently broad to cover basic microprocessor design."
The project was Intel's first 32-bit microprocessor design and was intended to be the company's main product line for the 1980s.
The I was Patriot's attempt to bring its own microprocessor design to market.
Can you imagine what they would do if they also applied that biotechnology to microprocessor design?
If the competition in microprocessor design is taking a new turn, the reasons are rooted both in mathematics and marketing.
Hewlett-Packard decided to license its microprocessor design to other companies.
The 6502 microprocessor design was also modified to support other computers while maintaining backwards compatibility.
This technique is extensively used in microprocessor design, and helps to improve the performance of modern processors.