During the trial, the court heard that microscopic evidence found on clothing belonging to the accused linked them to the murder.
Experts say the microscopic metallurgical evidence needed to show a blast could have been destroyed by long immersion in saltwater.
Carrying out the search for microscopic evidence just the way Domingo wanted it done was not an easy job.
There was sure to be other, microscopic evidence that I couldn't even imagine.
In 2008 it was announced that microscopic evidence was found, and that the structure is an impact crater.
Clay is formed in water, and it is good for preserving microscopic evidence of ancient life.
The microscopic evidence of reconnective surgery around the neck was too slight to have ever shown up unless one was looking for it.
"She had had a mastectomy, and we might find microscopic evidence of cancer, but no major organs were involved."
"Everyone who's ever been convicted on microscopic evidence ought to have their case reopened."
But pathology studies show that at least half of all men in their 60's have microscopic evidence of prostate cancer.