It has a tendency to break down into tiny, virtually microscopic fibers that can lodge in the lungs and other parts of the body.
Asbestos presents a health hazard when its microscopic fibers are released into the air, inhaled and trapped in the lungs.
Dark and attractive, he seemed too young to be an expert in microscopic fibers, residues, paints and explosives.
Asbestos can cause debilitating lung diseases if its microscopic fibers are inhaled over an extended period of time.
But when it becomes exposed, it can fray into microscopic fibers that are dangerous if inhaled over time.
When asbestos-containing material is damaged or disintegrates, microscopic fibers are dispersed into the air.
It was banned after studies showed it could cause cancer and other lung diseases if its microscopic fibers were inhaled.
Asbestos can cause chronic lung disease and various forms of cancer when its microscopic fibers are inhaled.
Asbestos is a group of minerals with thin microscopic fibers.
Waylock stepped upon the path; microscopic fibers, vibrating too rapidly to be felt, slid him up the slope.