A ghostly voice presently issued from the speaker and a microscopic image formed on the monitoring screen set in the wall above the buttons.
A thumbnail-size piece of reflective paper bears an almost microscopic image of the artist's high school swim team.
The microscopic images indicate Adirondack is a hard, crystalline rock.
In biological systems, staining is a technique used to enhance the contrast of particular features in microscopic images.
She placed an 8" x 10" blowup of a microscopic image on the table.
A camera that records microscopic images will be able to see whether the particles in the rocks have been rounded by the flow of water.
Best microscopic images of 2008 are announced.
It is primarily to acquire microscopic images of rock and soil, but it can also be used for other images.
The microscopic image of the latter was patterned to produce an image of the former.
What Kirk saw was a split screen with two microscopic images.