Alfred Armstrong Walton (1816-1883) was one of the lesser-known British Radical politicians of working-class origin in the mid-Victorian era.
Edward Bradley, the English humorist of the mid-Victorian era, was born in Kidderminster in 1827.
Idylls of the King is often read as an allegory of the societal conflicts in Britain during the mid-Victorian era.
However, the City's administrative responsibility for the Without ward had in practice disappeared by the mid-Victorian era as various aspects of metropolitan government were extended into the neighbouring areas.
The basic format of Alice's clothing as laid down by Tenniel is that of a typical middle-class girl of the mid-Victorian era.
According to Paul Rich, Lord Scarman's views expressed in the Scarman report most closely resembled that of the mid-Victorian era.
It depicts the culture of Oxford University in the mid-Victorian era and the conversion of a young student to Roman Catholicism.
In the early and mid-Victorian era, the respectable middle classes regarded the theatre in general as sinful.
They were popular during the mid-Victorian era (1857-77) Messrs. Thomson and Co. are the inventors and manufacturers of the pattern, along with "the glove-fitting corset"
Gilbert had always been fascinated by pantomime, particularly the harlequinade that concluded every pantomime in the early and mid-Victorian era.