Elsewhere, junior officers loyal to Gen. Prosper Avril were purging mid-level commanders.
Elsewhere, enlisted men and junior officers were carrying out a purge against mid-level commanders.
"I am very glad that this area is clear," said one mid-level commander, Karim Kemal Agha, as he sat with his fighters along the road, waiting for his instructions to move on.
October 17, in an airstrike, NATO forces killed 24 Taliban including a man they designated as a mid-level commander.
Every other ships which participated in the combat were destroyed or disabled, along with almost all of Joseon navy line officers and many capable mid-level commanders.
Elsewhere, the prize is a piece of this year's bumper poppy crop and the opium trade, which in some cases is so empowering mid-level commanders that they are no longer accountable to their own factional leaders.
He had increased the ranks of the Bursegs throughout the military, adding more mid-level commanders to be dispatched with troops, as needed.
The formation of the Haitian National Police from 5,300 mostly raw recruits has also been seen as a positive development, although the force is hampered by insufficient resources and inexperienced mid-level commanders.
The successor groups are often made up of mid-level paramilitary commanders and criminal structures that either did not demobilize in the first place or were re-activated after the demobilizations had concluded.
United States Special Forces were in a sizable fight in the Argandab district on April 18, killing eight men suspected of being Taliban and capturing a mid-level commander.