It means getting home later for dinner and perhaps even having to give up the hallowed midday rest that stretches between 12:30 and 2.
They poured out onto the valley floor in the afternoon of the next day, having forsaken the midday rest in order to gain speed.
That was not because of plague, certainly, but the midday rest.
At a midday rest along the walk, a field kitchen serves meals.
During their midday rest on the second day, the three of them talked at length.
When Alboin retired for his midday rest on June 28, care was taken to leave the door open and unguarded.
"At first I considered it possible that they habitually required a midday rest," Doc said.
Against its standing wall lounged several people, enjoying midday rest and the sun.
The midday rest and lunch period should be no longer than one hour.
They made good time and decided they would be able to have their midday rest and some hot food on the other side of the bridge.