To Cubans he is El Caballo, which means Horse, but with emphasis on the middle syllable, as if to make it Big Horse.
Don't drop the middle syllable (-i-) from president and say PREZ-dint.
Words as Pictures When she first tried to pronounce the word "Callico," the student said "Cacco," omitting the middle syllable.
The confusion is in the middle syllable of the three-syllable word.
This also occurs in the middle syllables of compound words consisting of 3 or more syllables.
The middle syllable is met, its root in the Greek metron, "measure," which acts as a fulcrum in a nicely balanced word.
"Colonists," Bithras said, accent on the middle syllable.
In many cases, the first, final, or middle syllables of surnames were eliminated.
He pronounced the last word with the stress on the middle syllable.
A character named Andrea insists on being called by her middle syllable, pronounced Dray.