"The Rabbit Hole as Likely Explanation" is an entertaining albeit familiar story about a middle-aged daughter and her stroke-demented mother.
If you had a widowed middle-aged daughter whose chest expanded three inches, wouldn't you want her to act as I am acting?
"She's tired, really tired," her middle-aged daughter explained to the young internist.
They meet his middle-aged daughter Tomoko (Haruko Sugimura), who missed the chance to marry when young and is now too old.
One middle-aged daughter put it this way: 'I suddenly realized that my mother and I had changed roles.
Bormik's cottage lay on the eastern outskirts of Darine, and he lived there with his middle-aged daughter, Luana, who evidently looked after him.
Asim Islamovic, 67, climbs the steep and slippery hill daily to dig with his toothless wife and middle-aged daughter.
She hopes her middle-aged daughter (Laureen Chew) will marry in the interim.
In Evening (2007) she appeared with her mother as a middle-aged daughter coming to terms with her mother's imminent death.
But, Charles reflected, even sharper to have a middle-aged daughter of twenty-one.