Many Indian children suffered from chronic middle-ear infection and hearing loss can have marked negative effects on verbal tests.
Children's middle-ear infections, known as otitis media, cause fluid to build up behind the eardrum.
Complications from measles can lead to pneumonia, encephalitis, middle-ear infections and other medical problems.
It leads to 300,000 middle-ear infections and exacerbates asthma in about 200,000 people.
The children who had European ancestors were far more likely to have middle-ear infections than those of native ancestry.
Several investigators have noticed that middle-ear infections are more common in certain racial groups.
Hispanic and Native American children are more like blacks than whites in their likelihood of having a middle-ear infection.
Other studies have supported the notion that children inherit a tendency to develop middle-ear infections.
We still have children there who are going deaf because of unresolved middle-ear infections.
More than half of children have had the antibiotic by the time they are 7 months old, mostly for middle-ear infections.