"I think the feeling was that at the middle-school level we should be able to monitor the students ourselves."
Last year, the school also had a sixth-grade class, which has now moved to the middle-school level.
Moreover, there are several excellent programs at the middle-school level that embed skill development in the context of solving interesting problems.
The courses include material not typically presented at the middle-school level.
He said that while some students, particularly at the middle-school level, were staying in bilingual programs far too long, most finished in three years or less.
"In order to help this problem, we feel we have to catch these kids at the middle-school level."
Mr. Amado, for example, completed high school and then became eligible to teach mathematics at the middle-school level by taking a one-hour exam.
For this to become reality, guidance counselors must enroll all students in pre-algebra at the middle-school level.
The Alan Review has recommended the novel be taught at the middle-school level.
Competitive entrance examinations at the middle-school level were abolished in 1968.