He was a middle-sized fat man and the fat didn't look flabby.
The middle-sized fat man was sitting comfortably in a chair with his knees crossed.
He was a middle-sized young man, with a pleasant face and pale hair already receding a little.
The middle-sized man, who had not noticed her before, at this speech turned to the girl and bowed.
Bran was a sturdily built, middle-sized man who looked to be thirty or perhaps a little less.
One was a middle-sized, dark-faced man with black hair, who showed gold teeth when he grinned.
"You mean there was no middle-sized man with glasses and a black moustache?"
He is a fresh-complexioned, middle-sized young man, not far, one would guess, from his thirtieth year.
He was a middle-sized man, dark and spare, with eyes deep-set and a thinking mouth.
According to a secondhand report, John was a middle-sized man, with a fair complexion, high forehead, and dark blue eyes.