As was the case at Sotheby's on Monday night, a majority of the works up for sale were of middling quality, and many were distress sales.
The book was otherwise of middling quality and was never published in the author's lifetime but it is of interest to Howard scholars for the personal information it contains.
B. integrifolia produces a dark amber-coloured honey of middling quality and therefore low commercial value.
Most computer speakers are so-so to middling quality at best, and finding exceptions is almost impossible, even in boxes costing twice as much.
Although the food is of middling quality the views are downright astonishing.
The first semi-final was between West Germany and Sweden and was of middling quality.
Of middling quality, Porterhouse steak might have been better trimmed in the kitchen.
"I don't know what kind of money there were going to lose if they gave the game more development time so they could crank out something of even middling quality," he continued.
Small, dim viewfinder; middling video quality; too easy to accidentally change focus points.
The music received mixed reviews; while some reviewers enjoyed the soundtrack and found it to be underrated, others felt it was only of middling quality.