Without realizing, he breaks the midnight curfew and witnesses a man who is running away from someone.
With that, 17-year-olds can have only one unrelated passenger in the car and they have a midnight curfew.
We have a midnight curfew, and if you want to go to discotheques or pick up girls, it's not great.
Residents of the city said the occupying forces had imposed a midnight curfew.
He broke the team's midnight curfew during spring training in 1956 and had a car accident.
The intended set list was cut short from 69 songs because of a strict midnight curfew.
Josie had a midnight curfew, not that she was using it at all now.
The midnight curfew is enforced by police officers who sweep through the park.
She was still in junior high school and her parents insisted on a midnight curfew.
It does have a midnight curfew, but he let me in late on a couple occasions.