Much of the midships section on its upper decks was blackened.
The midships section sank immediately, and the stern settled soon thereafter.
The forward part of the flight deck came into view as the smoke blew aft, then the midships section.
Almost immediately, Abele broke in two, her midship section obliterated.
Blue Jacket had a sharp bow, and a full midship section designed for stowing a large cargo.
I also" As he started to say more, the sky above us blew to white a hit on the hull directly above the midship section!
The portside midships section of the wreck was buried in the ocean floor thus the hits there could not be confirmed.
Only the midships section was left intact.
Atule left the empty hulk in a vertical position with the midship section high in the air.
This was no surprise, however, when considering her powerful midship section in conjunction with an unusually high ballast ratio of 46.7 per cent.