The winner was announced on January 26, 2009, at the ALA's midwinter meeting.
Students held a meeting in Chicago Feb. 14-15, 1970, just prior to the midwinter meeting of the Chicago Dental Society.
People who have been attending the midwinter meetings of the nation's governors for years cannot remember a bleaker assessment of the states' financial condition than the one they heard this weekend.
The announcement of the prestigious children's publishing awards was made at the midwinter meeting of the American Library Association in New Orleans.
The two largest conferences are the annual conference and the midwinter meeting.
The announcement was made at the midwinter meeting of the American Library Association in Washington.
Hialeah has hardly helped its cause with absurdly unreasonable demands such as a recent call for an unopposed 65-day midwinter meeting.
Winners are chosen by 2 15-member committees of the American Library Association and are announced at the association's midwinter meeting.
He is one of 150 mayors, mostly Democrats, in town for the ritual lamentations of the midwinter meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors.
Mayors Respond to Letter The move by the mayors came at the closing session of the midwinter meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors.