They relish spreading destruction, bending their mighty intellects solely to this purpose.
Once mighty intellects, they are not counted among the sooner races of Jijo anymore.
The one-time history professor makes no effort to disguise his mighty intellect.
With all respect, sir, what the hell's happened to this mighty intellect?
Lord Leighton, the mighty scientific intellect, was more nervous than he was!
I possess not your mighty intellects and awesome powers.
The reason of this is as follows:-Gods and temples are not easily instituted, and to establish them rightly is the work of a mighty intellect.
The Hroshii, once having with mighty intellect arrived at an opinion, are not easily swayed.
Few if any of those mighty intellects would have really enjoyed a quietly studious session, even had such a thing been possible.
-I do not believe the rest care less, Jaan replied out of his knowledge of humankind: which the mightiest nonhuman intellect could never totally sound.