Say she shall be a high and mighty queen.
The once mighty queen of the spaceways would fly no more for she now consisted of no more than two hundred pounds of smoking junk.
Many were killed by Godzilla and the Dimension Tide Gun, but a few managed to drain some of Godzilla's blood which they gave to their sleeping mighty queen, Megaguirus.
In front of her is a map of South Africa, the word "Lesotho" circled in red; statuettes of clenched fists stand on the map like mighty black queens on a chessboard.
"The danger is overcome, and again you are the mighty queen, the adored wife!"
Soon this fancy will escape your mind, and you will remain one of the mightiest queens of men.
But then, yes, there's Leona - first the mighty queen of the spotless hotel, the ultimate in demanding bosses, then the humbled queen, jailed for tax evasion.
If Neter-Tua never sat upon its throne, at least another daughter of Amen, a mighty queen, Hatshepu, wore the crown of the Upper and the Lower Lands, and sent her embassies to search out the mysteries of Punt.
KING RICHARD III Say, she shall be a high and mighty queen.
Coelopt: Coelopt are insect-like Deimos that serve their mighty queen, Selkis, unquestioningly.