They'll have to spot us mighty quick, though, if they expect to do themselves any good.
I haven't seen the final list of those aboard the Tropical; but I'll check up on it mighty quick.
I've noticed that if you've got to do a thing, and can't help yourself, it gets to be a hardship mighty quick.
If I was you, I'd find her a husband mighty quick.
One o' them young fellers back yonder had some such idea, but I knocked that out of him mighty quick!
And you'll have to make up your mind mighty quick," growled the man, "for I want to turn in.
Except for them, though, we can have this place looking like an ordinary concentration camp mighty quick.
"You were mighty quick off the mark, Captain."
"Then we'll have you apart and get it out of you mighty quick."
Then I had to look at the river mighty quick, because there was a snag in the fairway.