It is filled with water, which is a mighty sea to those who live there.
Then one at a time they passed out into the mighty sea of space.
On came the waves hurrying like a tide, and I sank deeper and deeper into this mighty sea of darkness.
Southward, the waters widened into a mighty sea and the lower regions of the continents wrapped around the globe.
One day soon the people on this side of the ocean will journey across the mighty sea.
Never from the mighty sea may voices rise too late, to come between us and the unseen region on the other shore!
Below, rugged mountain tops lay like the frozen waves of a mighty sea.
Extravagant fury and need gathered somewhere beyond the shores of his consciousness, piled upward like a mighty sea.
He then goes on to describe the voyage: "I begin by describing the sea, as you feel it during the crossing - the monotonous mighty sea.
The awesome pictures of that mighty sea consuming the land and crushing people, homes and landmarks were terrifying and terrible.