The mighty stream rushed into the sea, a current that stretched even beyond the sight of land.
It was a reminder that this single mighty stream drained an area the size of India.
Ahead, across the water, they could see a spacious valley that dropped down from the mountains nearly to the level of the mighty stream beside them.
A mighty stream of people now emptied into the street, and came rolling slowly towards the church.
There was nothing unreal about it; the very time in which I was born passed away, carried off by a mightier stream.
"But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream."
A mighty stream of soil boiled out behind the machine.
The mighty, tyrannical stream of life keeps us apart.
It was a grand arrangement of nature for the birth of so mighty and important a stream as the river Nile.
The mighty stream of the late 1800s diminished in the 1900s, reflecting changes in Mormon policy and program.