The Earthmen were somewhat startled when a living figure, little less gigantic than the carven images, detached itself from their deepening shadows and came forward with mighty strides.
It had been a mighty stride forward, he thought, when uniforms had been made optional for timefaring personnel.
Around came the door, smashing crooks from its path, hurling them headlong to the walls, gaining momentum as Jericho hit his mighty stride.
"Damon made some mighty big strides," Collins said.
Avoiding the writhing lengths with a mighty stride Lorien was with the girls, a hand out to Mahart.
The bearded giant ran with mighty strides toward the eastern edge of Asgard island.
New York could think of nothing else, and destiny took a mighty stride toward the face-to-face showdown foreordained to come.
He was still running with mighty strides and was evidently within sight of the man he had set out after in such haste.
To the Editor: In only 150 years, America has cast off slavery, made mighty strides against racism and thinks twice about treating women as second-class citizens.
Eight hundred yards straight away were the woods, and the roan was covering the distance with mighty strides.