The Bahamas continues to be a popular destination and way station for illegal Haitian migrants fleeing economic hardship and political instability.
Many were recent black migrants from the south, fleeing Jim Crow and the mechanization of the farm.
Also during the 19th century, it became a destination for migrants fleeing areas more severely affected by the Irish Potato Famine.
In recent years, illegal migrants fleeing poverty in Bangladesh and Nepal have also become targets of native resentments.
The Dust Bowl further to the west resulted in many migrants fleeing into the more industrialized Midwest.
The area became very popular among African American migrants fleeing the oppression in Mississippi.
(Environmental refugees are not included in the official definition of refugees, which only includes migrants fleeing persecution.)
In recent weeks in particular, Italy has been the destination for thousands of migrants fleeing the countries of North Africa.
Spain and Italy are being besieged by migrants fleeing from the conditions in their home countries.
The population has increased due to migrants fleeing areas affected by the civil war.