No American should be surprised as the recent tide of migrants seeking refuge along our shores comes from Haiti and from Cuba.
The cartels also fight for the control of local drug markets and extortion rackets, including shakedowns of migrants seeking to reach the United States.
These immigrants were mostly economic migrants seeking greater prosperity in the New World.
Reviewing the difficulties facing migrants seeking entry to the public or private rented sectors, he concludes that:
Not all migrants seeking shelter in another country fall under the definition of "refugee" according to article 1A of the Geneva Convention.
At least 28, and as many as 100, Sudanese migrants seeking refugee status were killed.
Mexican migrants seeking entry relied on the coyote.
In the last 10 years, the number of migrants seeking asylum in Western Europe has risen tenfold.
Many were European or Asian migrants seeking fortune on the goldfields.
The Administration strongly opposes it, contending that many of the intended beneficiaries are not victims of persecution but "economic migrants" seeking a better life.