Current financial reporting practice in the public sector is based on various decrees issued by the government, and the current proposal is to migrate directly to the IPSASs from the current basis.
Some Gullahs also migrated directly from the United States to Sierra Leone in the early 19th century, including Edward Jones, a free black man from South Carolina.
According to this version, the Folk of Marach in c. Y.S. 380 migrated from Estolad directly to Dor-lómin, without settling temporarily by the sources of Taeglin.
"My programming requires that I migrate directly," said Can Head.
Under his leadership, approximately 200,000 Kalmyks migrated directly across the Central Asian desert.
An alternative view proposes that neural tube floor plate cells stem from precursor cells which migrate directly from axial mesoderm.
The males migrate directly to the shallow water of fjords, where spawning will take place, while the females remain in deeper water until they are completely mature.
Specialized, first-line-of-defense cells called granulocytes migrated from the bloodstream directly into the bacterial horde.
Group Four is the Australian group, who migrated to Australia directly from Cumberland, England.
The settlements were populated by Germans migrating both from established German settlements in South Australia and directly from Germany.