During migration season, the magnolia warbler can also be found living in woodlands.
It is a well-known birdwatching area, particularly during the spring and fall bird migration seasons.
The point has a dense bird population, especially during migration season.
The fish draw sea lions to the river during the migration seasons.
Another 25,000 are believed to pass through the area during the migration season.
Up to 80 bird species nest in the park, and many more pass through during migration season.
That passage should be complete in time for the 2007 migration season.
Other environmental factors, such as light intensity, water flow, or change in temperature, dramatically affects salmon during their migration season.
During the migration season, the number of waterfowl using the marsh can exceed 400,000 a day.
"I put the microphone under the tower and listened to the sounds coming down over several migration seasons," he said.