The district grew strength by the arrival of migratory waves.
Prostitution become much more visible since the early 1990s, with a migratory wave from Brazil and Eastern European countries.
Over the following twenty years, new migratory waves from the interior came to the coast.
"A next migratory wave" brought in additional Pacific as well as "Laponoid" elements.
When the main migratory wave broke we'd be swamped.
It is believed that the Americas were settled by three migratory waves from Northern Asia.
Aside from these large migratory waves, other smaller southward migrations also occurred during almost all periods in the past two millennia.
A massive migratory wave came to the federal capital and there was no space in the original plan.
The largest of these migratory waves in the late 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s flowed into the metropolitan New York area.
A new migratory wave began after 1945, favoured by the lax immigration laws then in force.