Chocolate bars are available in many flavours, but for cooking I prefer plain dessert chocolate, which is mildly bitter, or the French bitter patisserie bars.
Borostyán (5.2% alcohol, amber) - A premium beer introduced in 2003 using a unique roasted malt which gives it an amber color, and a mildly bitter taste.
In another main course, she matches meltingly tender pork belly with mildly bitter braised endive ($18), supported by crisp little roasted potatoes and caramelized garlic cloves.
Tastes range from mildly bitter and "hoppy" to exceptionally bitter.
Meals often begin with a freebie, like a little bowl of delicious pickled daikon, the mildly bitter radish complemented by a sweet sesame dressing.
Some cooks prefer to use a smaller proportion of fenugreek seeds, which have a mildly bitter taste.
The mildly bitter fragrance of the smoke seemed to put the fortune-teller into a trance.
Not that I wouldn't put it past them," Kris said, mildly bitter.
The term "Italian vermouth" is often used to refer to red-colored, mildly bitter, and slightly sweet vermouths.
The mildly bitter leaves are also good as salad greens.