He held other swimming world records including in the 200, 300, 500 and 1000 yards and mile events.
Since 2009, it has been a 1-1/8 mile event and currently offers a purse of $150,000.
Courtney's crew won the four mile (6 km) event in world record time of 18 minutes 53 1/5 seconds.
In the 1 mile event he did not finish.
The race was a 500 mile event from its inception in 1974, through the 2011 race.
Out of the 42 cars that started the 600 mile event, only 17 of them finished the race.
He broke two world records, in the indoor two and three mile events.
The 10 mile event includes 3,500 feet of climbing.
The Trial, a one mile event which began in 1938, was run on April 29, 1975.
White eventually finished the 600 mile event in sixth place.