Together, at their maximum extent, the cirrus clouds covered nearly four million square miles of the earth's surface.
The combined instruments are expected to survey more than 18 million square miles of Earth's surface over 50 hours of planned operations.
When they were within a hundred miles of the moon's surface, Tom eased off on the repelatrons and began a slow descent.
We'll be making another hop through the Matrix to bring us to within five thousand miles of Yang's surface.
Most orbital debris is within 1,250 miles (2,000km) of Earth's surface, says the agency, with the greatest concentrations found 500-530 miles (800-850km) up.
Eventually Corona photographed more than 750 million square miles of Earth's surface, many times its overall area.
'And now the real job begins,' Garlock said, as James dropped the siarship down to within a few miles of the moon's surface.
They lacked the crisp detail of the pictures that Galileo transmitted after it came within 500 miles of the moon's surface.
Grand Base covered hundreds of square miles of that planet's surface.
The shadow of the Moon can, under ideal conditions, be 160 miles wide and cover 21,000 square miles of the Earth's surface.