The racing is conducted on an 1/8 mile stretch and begins at the drop of a hand.
The current bridge was built as part of larger $300 million project to reconstruct the entire 18 mile stretch.
About a dozen streets in a mile stretch don't have access to it.
So they were surrounded within a four mile stretch of road by 3 Blockbusters.
On average approximately 31,000 vehicles travel the 2 mile stretch of road a day.
A full survey and plan of the 47 mile stretch was completed about this time.
Last year, there were about 26,000 cars on the 3.1 mile stretch of road each day.
This happened on three occasions during a 1,000 mile stretch until she was well again.
In a 2.8 mile stretch of Louisville, for example, there are 24 fast food restaurants.
However, a year later, a 35 mile stretch of the river remained closed.