Many who were not caught died when they stepped on mines which were planted all over a three mile strip running between the Austrian and Hungarian borders.
Whitewater rafting is some of the fun to be had on this seven mile strip of water.
The treaty transferred possession of a narrow four mile strip of land along the Niagara River's western shore.
In attempting to recover her balance she put one foot over the edge of the flashing ninety-five mile strip.
A mile strip of coconut tree- fringed white sand beach 45 minutes by pumpboat from the city.
There is wading access along the river to the beach which is in the middle of Long Bay, Manchester, a mostly deserted 20 mile strip of black sand.
The hundred mile strip alone had stopped; a few feet away the next strip flew by at an unchecked ninety-five miles an hour.
The project began on April 12, 1969, it was estimated to cost $11 million, and was to re-route a five mile strip of river that ran along West green.
On this forty- mile strip all farms, villages and cities had been destroyed.
Nearly all of the major commercial development was built in a single 10 mile strip along SPID.