Why do you think I financed all those militant blacks on television shows?
Did the relative silence, he wondered, indicate that many otherwise responsible black officials, civic and religious leaders are afraid of being outflanked by more militant blacks?
Some more militant blacks were harsher, charging that he was trying to purvey "white" music to black people.
When some militant blacks were killed, they did no more than protest to the police and the Civil Liberties Union, which gave them some support.
This included opposition by more militant blacks such as Nation of Islam member Malcolm X.
Mandela's efforts at reconciliation assuaged the fears of whites, but also drew criticism from more militant blacks.
The silence seemingly reflects tension between established black elected officials and civil-rights figures on one side and more militant blacks on the other.
That seemed a reference to more militant blacks who have been active in demonstrations in Crown Heights.
The endorsement does not sit well with more militant blacks, but Buthelezi is not loath to flout political fashion.
The story unfolds against a background of increasing urban violence and challenges to King from younger, more militant blacks within the ranks.