It was a warning, even though the militant nationalist parties won scant support in that election.
A number of individuals, mostly from militant religious parties, were identified and discussed in the talks with Mr. Tenet, the officials said.
The main militant African nationalist parties in each territory were banned by the federal and territorial governments, but all reorganised under new names only months later.
The Hezbollah, a militant Islamic party in Lebanon, was founded in 1982.
The big losers were militant Islamic parties, which won only 9 seats in the 217-seat Parliament.
So far, no militant anti-immigrant parties have taken root here, and while racial attacks are increasing, they remain relatively rare.
As a result, militant Islamic political parties have become more powerful in Pakistan and have considerable sympathy among the poor.
Others have argued that militant parties such as ultranationalist groups should be forbidden because they would divide the nation.
The militant Islamist political party, Jamaat-e-Islami, is feeding, housing and clothing survivors.
They worry that some who have registered to vote are foreigners (mostly Iranians) recruited to back the more militant Shiite parties.