Politically and militarily weak, the Muslim government began looking around for protection.
How else could the leader of a militarily weak and economically beleaguered country half a world away have caused such fear among Westerners?
Militarily weak in the south, Lebanon could not afford conflict with Israel.
The purges led Hitler to believe that the Soviets were militarily weak.
It showed the Bakufu to be militarily weak and ineffective.
In other words, Reagan put out the deal that we are weak militarily.
The Quitus were militarily weak, and formed only a small, poorly organized kingdom.
But for all its belligerence, the Bush administration seems willing to confront only regimes that are militarily weak.
Others felt that Iraq was an insignificant and militarily weak country that was not worth fighting over.
In addition, Ethiopia was considered to be militarily weak and rich in resources.