The force had only limited military airlift and reconnaissance capabilities.
In the end, the military airlift shipped 22,325 tons of materiel to Israel.
The spine of military airlift is the C-17.
The museum is dedicated to military airlift and air refueling aircraft and the people who maintain them.
United Nations relief supplies reaching the city by road convoy and military airlift have never amounted to more than a fraction of the city's needs.
The mission remained military airlift, but with tactical airlift capabilities.
In August 1992, the United States began to provide humanitarian assistance, primarily food, through a military airlift.
They organised a massive military airlift into Kabul, involving an estimated 280 transport aircraft and 3 divisions of almost 8,500 men each.
The Western military airlift into Sarajevo is expected to resume as early as Tuesday.
Its primary mission is military airlift and is assigned to Air Mobility Command.