There were enough rooms in the house to billet a military battalion.
The Legion, together with the other urban military battalions deployed, won that battle.
Its report said it had documented 173 incidents of rape or sexual violence against 625 women and girls committed by soldiers from 52 military battalions between 1992 and 2001.
The 1865 Lincoln parade was the first to include blacks, both civilian organizations and a military battalion.
Early last month, in response to growing complaints, Mr. Houphouet-Boigny sent several military battalions to patrol the streets.
Document was called "a listing of all Orthodox families from Temerin who came out for migration to the military battalion in the Paška barren area".
A battalion surgeon is the chief medical officer of a military battalion in the Army or Marines.
It was formed with 11 members in the fall of 1885 to support the military battalion.
She is rescued by an African American military battalion.
It was abandoned after the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1762 and a military battalion was stationed here.