Whovians, Narnia lovers, military buffs and mothers are in for a treat.
The war in Iraq has provided a rich and overflowing fount for military buffs.
Of course, many military buffs like hand-to-hand contact, too.
It is the sort of book that military buffs covet, full of details, supported by voluminous footnotes.
For years, military buffs have examined where and how the Japanese army and navy went wrong.
The three owners, two of them veterans of World War II, are military buffs.
Then and now he was a military buff, an avid fan of the space program, a "gadget freak."
He is a military buff who benefited from student and family deferments during the Vietnam War.
"Desert Storm" is made for military buffs.
Le Petit Soldier has more for the military buff, with miniature painted lead soldiers from $18 to $400.