All the way up Madison Avenue, they called out military cadence.
The brigadier general roared again, separating the words in equal emphasis, giving the crudity of his oath the sound of a military cadence.
He said he still sang military cadences in the shower.
The famous "Sound off, one, two" military cadence was invented at Fort Slocum in 1944.
As a sort of work song, military cadences take their rhythms from the work being done (compare sea shanty).
The military cadence of drumbeats grew audible, and soon dozens of ranks of troops could be seen.
Taking this as a challenge, the Shadout Mapes trotted along at a military cadence, not breathing hard at all.
It is stylistically descended from early military marches, and related to military cadences, as both are a means of providing a beat while marching.
Decker didn't like the military cadence in the labor nurse's voice.
The labor nurse gave him a slight wave and she was off, marching down the hall in a military cadence - a kind and caring woman.