Conceivably, it was remedial education for military conscripts.
Stipends are being given to about 200,000 officers, and one-time payments to 300,000 military conscripts.
In some cases, professionals have been replaced by military conscripts.
The poor remain economic military conscripts, 22 May 2010.
As the gauchos did not want to be dressed as Spaniards, military conscripts played the part.
A12 Croats forced Bosnian men onto buses as military conscripts.
In one study, it was the causative agent of pharyngitis in 1.4% of military conscripts.
High birth rates and a strong influx of Russian Jews have combined to give the military more potential conscripts than it requires.
The players of the team stayed in various cities of Cyprus and many were military conscripts due to the tense situation on the island.
The conservative parties proposed legal restrictions on emigration propaganda, emigrant agents, and emigration by military conscripts.