Russia, with an army as large as the population of Chechnya, has been humiliated into a new round of diplomatic action by this military debacle.
The Ming expedition is regarded as the greatest military debacle of the dynasty.
An ill-planned military debacle might only deepen the conflict there and jeopardize peacekeeping missions elsewhere.
What is at stake now is keeping this military and political debacle from turning into a national and international catastrophe.
So when the virus broke out in the Northeast during the winter of 1775-76, just as the war took off, it became a military debacle for the Continental army.
Such was his disgrace that he saw fit to leave Ireland within a bare month of his military debacle in Lagan.
The public saw the war as political and military debacle.
The initial military debacle this provoked for the Dutch army did cause trouble for the De Witt regime.
The military debacle of Vietnam remains a textbook case of how not to fight a war.